Yeronga District Residents Association Inc.
Yeronga District Residents Association Inc. (YDRA) is a registered community organisation based in Yeronga which advocates to improve the ‘liveability’ of our District (Yeronga, Fairfield, and Yeerongpilly) and to strengthen community amenity and services.
We do this by focusing on matters of importance to residents and raising these issues with Federal, State, and Local Government representatives, and local community groups. Historically, our advocacy has included many local issues such as concerns about over- and inappropriate development, ‘bad’ development and rezoning; public transport; traffic management and dangerous ‘black spots’; walkways and cycle routes; keeping our parks public, free, open, and well maintained; flood resilience, flood warnings and proper management of the flood plain; damage to local waterways and the floodplain; inadequate stormwater drainage and management; support for local community groups; recognition of the indigenous owners of the land our suburbs are built on; ….
For those of you interested in supporting YDRA, or just raising issues for our attention, please consider joining the Association either as a ‘Full Member’ or as a ‘Friend of YDRA’ – there are registration and applications forms via the ‘YDRA Forms’ buttons below.
Briefly stated, our aims and objectives are to …
- preserve and enhance the residential amenity of Yeronga District
- assist in the development of community services for Yeronga District and encourage and support residents in the provision of these services
- establish and maintain productive contacts with the locally elected members of Federal, State, and Local Government and encourage their active participation in Yeronga District
- be non-political, non-sectarian, and non-racial.
…You are invited to our Annual Open Meeting and AGM for 2024
Where? Yeronga Community Centre, 62 Park Road, Yeronga, 4104
When? 7:00pm Tuesday 19th March 2024
What’s on?
- 7:00pm AGM – Welcome to new members and guests, Annual reports, nomination and election of the steering committee for the coming year
- 7:30pm General Meeting – Working out our priorities for 2024. Have your say on what you think is important for liveability and residential amenity in Yeronga, Fairfield, or Yeerongpilly.
What’s the meeting for?
The purpose of the meeting is to set the direction for the Association over the longer term, and especially for the next 12 months. That is,
“What do you want the Association to focus on that will help improve or maintain the residential quality and amenity of living in our District?”. As members and friends will appreciate, after a difficult year trying to understand the planning and intentions involved in the Hyde Road rezoning and Development Projects we need to spend some time refocusing.
A list of issues and items in which you may be interested is provided via the ‘2024 priorities’ button below – but please add your own interests.
In the interests of preserving and enhancing the residential amenity, liveability, and community services in our suburbs (Fairfield, Yeronga, Yeerongpilly) we hope you will show your support and get involved. We hope you will come along to this meeting.
If you’d like to join the Association, either as a ‘Full Member’ or ‘Friend of YDRA’ application forms are available (YDRA Forms) below.
Secretary YDRA Inc.
Get in touch
YDRA Priorities
- Access to open space and parks is being reduced by enclosure, leasing to private and porting groups, closing off pathways, and development ‘trade offs’ (e.g Leyshon, Goodwin, and Paragon)
- No ‘neighbourhood plan’ for Yeronga (including the riverbank and walkways) so no improvement in the quality of open space public amenity, nor facilities (e.g. Orient Rd park)
- Inadequacy of ‘Moorooka-Stephens district neighbourhood plan’ to identify, protect or develop ; open space, green areas, and ecologically sensitive areas for community benefit, or to provide>access to existing open space areas in Yeronga District
March 2021 GM Parks Committee Report
- Consider suggested development in the context of the community output from the 2016 YDRA public consultation re: Hyde Road Development
- Identify and advocate for compatible community facilities and access

- 2019 Brisbane Industrial Strategy – identified the Hyde Road low impact Industrial area as one of Brisbane’s “established and distinct industrial precincts” and classified it as being one of Brisbane’s seven Strategic Inner City Industrial Areas (SICIAs)
- June 2021 – Our Productive City: Brisbane’s Industrial Future – Hyde Rd low impact industrial precinct was omitted from the Brisbane industrial strategy. No longer classified as a SICIA.
- 2022 – Our Productive City – BCC -Hyde Rd Industrial precinct now considered transitional – for urban renewal
- Inner Spark April 2022, BCC started this citywide conversation and engagement program with the aim to gather the brightest of ideas from Brisbane communities to help shape the future of the inner city.
- Suburban Futures A group advocating for more strategic investment in social and economic infrastructure in suburban and regional centres and operates with the active and generous support of Corporate Members and a large group of individual subscribers
- Suburban Renewal Precincts – Through the suburban renewal precinct program, BCC will work with site owners on planning for transitioning these sites, particularly where multiple landowners are involved, and will continue to work with local communities to ensure they are consulted throughout the transition process. Hyde Rd is deemed a transition site
River Loop Cycle – safety for Residents, Cyclists, Pedestrians, all road users …
- No public consultation or traffic monitoring data used to determine routes
- No infrastructure, remediation of existing road defects, cycle lanes/road marking, or specific safety or hazard signs for cyclists/motorists; preferred routes and speed limitations on hill sections (e.g. Anita St, Mooney St, ..) and obstructed corners (e.g. Feez St) should be marked
- The ‘River loop’ signs are confusing, inaccurate and nonsensical (e.g. ‘to city’ ‘from city’
directions meaningless on a bi-directional loop circuit)
Topics of Interest
Yeronga Railway Station Upgrade
CrossRiverRail – Yeronga Station Accessibility Rebuild
Development Applications
View at: https://developmenti.
Peter Poulsen and Bruce McNaughton have identified 78 properties in the Orient Park area that are at a higher risk of flash flooding due to illegal drainage in our local drainage system.
Bruce has put together a chronology of the events in this area for the last 20 years that have created this problem. Chronology of Orient Park Issues
Parkside Yeronga
For more information: Yeronga Priority Development Area
Attending BCC Council and Standing Committee meetings
Rules for attending BCC meetings
Queensland Justice of the Peace service
Tuesday – 11am to 3pm
Wednesday – 11am to 3pm
Thursday – 11am to 3pm
8A/108 Wilkie St, Yeerongpilly – take the lift to 1st Floor
Phone: 07 3392 2455